

Global warming and its consequences !

Nowadays, every environment related posts have this phrase 'Global warming and its happening'. Believe me or not, but its happening. And the cause is everywhere, on the road, in the houses, at river banks..  a lot of places. In this post, we gonna talk about Global Warming, what are the causes, effects, effects in Lockdown and after lockdown and how actually we can prevent it.

What is this thing called Global Warming?

As the name says itself, Global means globally or the refering to whole Earth and warming means rise in temperature. So, basically global warming is 'Rise in the temperature of the Earth'. In case you are arguing ,thats not possible,  well the headlines in newspaper stating "This Summer broke 10yr record of highest temperature" are well the so called proofs. And melting icesheets at Eath Poles are also the causes but, dont worry we gonna talk about that later here.

Why Global Warming happens?

Well, this happens because people dont't use public transport(lol). But yes, that's true. This basically happens due to the emission of gases that traps heat inside them. The gases like Carbon Dioxide traps heat inside them that come from the Sun and don't refect back in the space and hence,  the more there is Carbon Dioxide, the more is the trapping of heat and hence, the more temperature rises.

How to stop Global Warming?

If, you are eager to this.. you are basically an environmentalist. So to stop Global Warming we have to control the emission of Carbon Dioxide which is emitted in tons of amount each year. Due the increasing numbers of vehicles that run on Petroleum emitt Carbon Dioxide as a residue.. hence, we have to control that amount. Though, there are vehicles that run on Electricity but, still the manufacturing factories are a huge concern burning tons of coal each day. 

Planting trees is the most effective way to tackle this, cause plants take away the Carbon Dioxide and gives away O2.

How Global Warming Affecting Us?

Increase in Global temperature leads to rise in temperatur eevrywhere on Earth and hence places full of ice sheets started melting. And thats why, there is concern that this will lead to rise in the sea levels around the globe and hence, there places under danger to get sinked in.

Also, increase in temperature lead to people living near equator more disgusting or even inhabitable.

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