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                       Alone Status

    Alone Status 2020

     To remain silent is my strength, not weakness, I want to be alone, not helplessness.


     His body was also strange - he said he would play with life, but we were mad - forgot to ask whether with love or with Yado!


     Every day, every time you do not care about which loan installment you are.


     Nights are new, memories are old!


     Then one day it came in life too .. I stopped smiling after hearing your name.


     Now I do not even have to refine myself, what were those days that I also groomed you…?


     Some such beautiful relationships are broken when people are filled with heart, people often get upset.


     What to complain about life, just what he wished he did not understand.


     I do not have the right to his love but, he wants me to wait for him throughout my life!

                                Attitude Status

    Attitude Status 2020

    She was poor, there was nothing to give,

     That's why she went cheating.


     That is why I let go….

     Had it been stubborn, I would have taken it in my arms


     Everyone knows how to speak but when and what to say,

     Very few people know this.


     I'm already spoiled

     What will spoil you like me?


     Have to keep liver in chest,

     Keeping a horse in a small hand does not become the raghu of everyone.


    It was a period when we wanted to get you after looting everything,

     Now even if you meet in free time, do not confess!


     Children show attitude, we show people their status.


     Our celebrity is such, sir, good people call us you and bad people father.


     Join these delicate moments, these moments may not be tomorrow,

     However, what do you know these moments are not included in those moments?


     We smile even in difficult times because we do not lose hard and beat them


     Don't talk about the law, my friend, people are afraid of your name


     I did not see anyone with love after you, we are fond of love, not loafers


     No one else wants me to improve without listening to you.


     He had to keep it in place, accidentally kept it in the heart.


     Time does not have to be special


    If you have a strong relationship with the sky, then your land people can do nothing wrong…


     Some have to dream some reality, there are many people to calculate


     I have always played games on my own, so today my disciples are like you


     Bend only as much as it is right, bending inexplicably promotes cable's ego.


     This false lie is sold because not everyone has the right to buy the truth.


     Maybe some people have forgotten their voice then will have to come to the field


     The world changes color every moment and people ask when Holi is there.


     In which world I am forgetting you, I have forgotten you


     If you want to stay, it should be mine otherwise it should be, now there is no Magmari.


     There is no longer any relationship between us, whatever you wish, now you can think ……. !!


     Yes, I am not rich, but the conscience is such that it can never be spoken.


     We cannot change ourselves with the blessings of others, I have also given one account to myself, God has not done my own account ..


     Do not pay attention to such a thing, the father does not give you knowledge.


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