You read it right! Our chips and memory card are basically made of Silica which is found in Sand. But, first it have to be processed highly to remove all the impurities because it is highly needed to be pure to have finest product.
Sand that is every where around the world found underneath the humus and top layer then we have gravel. Mostly we have an image of something used in construction of houses as concrete but it is filled in many tiny rocks rich in minerals. Well you may also be shocked that most of the gemstones and rare elements like Titanium etc are also found in this area of crust.
So, how this transformation happens from very tiny rocks to what we know computer chips. Sand is basically Silica and it is processed to take out pure Silicon (an element) which is used for making chips and stuff. Silicon in what is needed from Silica which is a compound of Oxygen and Silicon (in the form Silicon Dioxide). So, the Oxygen is removed by adding Carbon and heating in an electric furnace having an astonishing temperature of 2000 degrees celsius. Cardon Dioxide is formed removing oxygen from Silicon. Pure silicon is what we get after again treating it with Oxygen to remove other impurities.But, hold-On the pure silicon we got is still 99% pure and from this chips cant be made, so further refinement is done and making Silicon Crystals .These Silicon Crystals are then cut into tiny sheets that are again embedded with data holding capacity.And finally after all this , we get chips.Sometimes, its really hard to believe that the small thing in your hand is really gone through goosebumps giving processes.