Hello friends. By February 5, 2020, due to the widely spread corona virus worldwide, more than 24,000 people have been infected and more than 494 people have died. Is it really dangerous? Do you really need to be afraid? Or is the media creating an atmosphere of fear by negotiating a mountain? Let us see the first thing you need to understand is that the corona virus is not the name of a single virus. The name corona virus is assigned to a family of viruses. Should I tell you an interesting fact? The common cold — the cold and cough that catches you during the winter — is also a type of corona virus. If you remember, in 2002-03, a SARS virus became widespread.
That too was a type of corona virus and the one that is affecting people right now is a new type of corona virus. There is a place named Wuhan in China. It was found there on December 31, 2019, this new strain of corona virus N-COV - Novel Corona Virus has been named. The meaning of the novel is new. This stretch is so new that they could not even think of a name, so they named it Novel Corona Virus. The source is mostly some animals.
These corona viruses spread to humans, which affects humans and then later through human-to-human contact and through human-to-human transmission. For example, in the case of SARS, the original source was a bat. MERS Another similar corona The original source of the virus that spread in the Middle East during 2012-13 was a camel. The exact original source of the new corona virus that has not yet been discovered. Some scientists suspect that the original source may be a snake.
But some scientists believe that they can be bats again because there are 96% similarities in the new corona virus compared to the corona virus from bats. All these corona virus symptoms are very similar to each other eg. For example, cough, cold, headache, fever, chills, sore throat - all this happens with you when you cough and cough normally or when you catch seasonal flu and it is also due to New Corona virus Symptoms are an unfortunate thing because it is very difficult to identify when you have contracted a common seasonal flu and when you have contracted the new corona virus.
When there are extreme cases of corona virus, one may also develop pneumonia but in general, doctors have to undergo laboratory tests to identify whether it is the common flu or not. The new corona virus is a novel corona virus incubation period. It is between 2–11 days. If you are infected, it may take 11 days to show symptoms. This basically means that in the last two weeks if you have not been in China or have not been in contact with a Chinese person. And even though you are showing these symptoms, you have no reason to worry. It means that you have not contracted the novel corona virus. How dangerous is this virus really?
How dangerous is this for you? To know this, I would like to show you some facts so far, the total number of infected people is 24,579, out of which about 494 people have died and 955 people have recovered after getting infected so according to the number and proportion of total infected people. Look at the total number of deaths, then it becomes about 2%. This is 2% mortality. Mortality means if you contract an infection or novel corona virus, what are the chances that you die because of it? Are going 2% means that there is a 98% chance that you are not going to die because of it but you will eventually recover. In fact, on studying the cases so far, it has been found out that most people died due to novel corona virus. Already had weak immune system due to some other reasons,
Most of these people were elderly and old or their immune system was already weak. For example, heart disease or any other problem. An interesting thing about the virus is that the virus that spreads easily and is more contagious in general. However, its mortality is automatically low and viruses with high mortality rates,
They are less contagious. For example, Ebola Ebola had a mortality rate of 70%. If you contracted Ebola, there is a 70% probability that you are going to die due to the same but only 3,000 cases occurred. So Ebola was not that contagious. On the other hand, take the example of the common cold or chicken pox. Both are highly contagious. Both chicken pox and the common cold spread very easily but if you contract it, the common cold mortality is 0.01%. So all this can be shown on a graph. The mortality rate is plotted on the Y axis and infectivity, ie how easily it can spread, is plotted on the X axis.
Mortality is measured in percentage and is a number to measure infectiousness. This number means how many other people an infected person will infect on average. For example, see the common cold infectivity number - this means that 6 If a person contracts the common cold, then he will infect 6 more people on average. This is very highly contagious. The infectivity of chicken pox is even more - for about 8.5 other examples, consider swine flu. Its infectiousness and mortality are both very low. It is a contagious of just 1.5 and its mortality is only 0.2%. Consider rabies. Rabies does not spread very easily, but if you contract it, and you do not get it treated on time, then there is almost a 100% chance that you may die of this infection.
The mortality rate in the 2003 SARS was 10% so it is estimated that the novel corona virus death rate would be around 2% but there is not enough data available to tell us how infectious it is so we cannot say at all Where it will be placed on the graph is a limit specified that the novel corona virus will fall within it. By this, we can conclude that compared to SARS, Ebola and MERS, the novel corona virus is less lethal because it causes mortality in Is less than all but it can be more contagious than them because,
When SARS became widespread, it infected approximately 8000 people globally within 8 months and this novel corona virus has already infected 24–25,000 people — three times as many people have been infected and unfortunately , A low death rate does not mean that fewer people are going to die in total. For example, take the example of the Spanish flu that occurred in 1918-20, if you read it in the history books of this Spanish flu death. The rate was only 10% but it became very contagious around the world, or maybe it was so easily spread at the time that the Spanish flu infected 500 million people and since it had a mortality rate of 10%,
50 million people have died due to this flu, despite its mortality is so low. Novel corona virus infection spreads in the same way as cough and cold spread in people if someone coughs or sneezes then the infected person Body fluids reach other people and they also become infected, so prevention methods are similar to those of the common cold. The World Health Organization recommends washing hands at the right time and washing your hands in the proper manner whenever you cough. Or sneeze, use tissue paper and handkerchiefs if they are not available,
So you can use your elbow in such a way so that the droplets of the body do not widen and do not infect the rest. It is valid for everything, not just for corona virus if you have a cough or cold or any other form. Corona virus, so do not spread it to others. Surprisingly, the World Health Organization has said that masks are not very effective in protecting you from infection, so don't think that whenever you can go to a public place wearing a mask, You will feel safe it doesn't matter.
They say that washing hands with soap is more effective than masks and that masks should only be used by people who are self-infected so that they do not spread their bodily fluids to others. So if you suspect contamination, It would be appropriate to use a mask. Many treatments and cures to cure the corona virus have gone viral on social media. For example, a WhatsApp forward reads the good news! Wuhan's corona virus can be cured with a bowl of freshly boiled garlic water. The old Chinese doctor has proven its efficiency.
Many patients have also proved it effective. Use garlic and treat your corona virus. Some states that consume bleach will treat corona virus. Some say that the consumption of organic oil will cure it. The government says that the corona virus can be cured by homeopathy and Ayurveda. A Hindu Mahasabha president says that consumption of cow urine and cowdung can cure the corona virus.
The truth is that all these people are talking nonsense. They have no cure available to anyone. So far, there is no vaccine against corona virus nor is there any cure only. If your immune system is strong, it Can fight it and you can overcome it. The development of the vaccine is currently underway. It has been estimated that it may take about a year to vaccinate when SARS broke down in 2002-03, when its vaccine was introduced. It took 20 months, governments around the world are working to stop the spread of this virus and I think they have been successful to a great extent.
Because 99% of the infection cases that we have seen are all concentrated in China and 90% of cases in China are concentrated in just one area - Wuhan. China has tried to prevent anyone from going in or out of the whole region. 50 million people have been put into quarantine and the rest of the world is trying to do the same. For example, Australia and Singapore have banned Chinese tourists. Russia, Mongolia and Nepal have joined China. Has sealed its borders so in my opinion, people living outside China have nothing to worry about,
Be careful but do not panic. There is a lot of effort by the media to create fear. An atmosphere of terror is being created almost as if the new virus is like a zombie apocalypse. It is not a big deal, as I have shown you in this video. In, all these things are concentrated within China. Economically, it can have a fatal effect not only on China but also on the world economy. It has been estimated that up to $ 60 billion is lost to China due to this novel corona virus. And GDP growth rate may be reduced by 1.5%.